this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container

Advanced Site Developer Tool

  • Customise every element of your site
  • Create a truly tailored digital Union that reflects the needs of your different students
  • Maximise the potential of your site – increase engagement, improve experience

What this tool does and how it works

Put the power of coding expertise to full use. Build this extra tool into your toolkit to create, craft and tailor every element of your Union’s site to realise its full potential.

Take greater control of site appearances with the greatest of ease. Switch simply between purchased themes. Customise every interactive and design element with Global CSS and Global JavaScript. Apply, overwrite and change styles, from page heading colours to a complete facelift with Global CSS. Embed scripts on every site page, glean data from users, change the DOM, bring in social media plugins and so much more using Global JavaScript. The only limit to what’s possible is your imagination.

OneVoice Digital Limited 

Registered Office: 196 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WF 
Company No.: 10842253