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How UnionCloud has worked for other Union staff

Straight from a Union staff member

How UnionCloud has helped University of Cumbria Students’ Union drive student engagement.

“We have been using UnionCloud for three years here at Cumbria SU.

Cumbria is a multi-site institution with almost 10,000 members spread across six campus sites, plus a high volume of distance, mature and part time students. Therefore it’s incredibly important that we have a digital platform as diverse as our membership, and UnionCloud helps us to engage with our members efficiently and effectively.

UnionCloud enables UCSU members to do so much. They can elect representatives and officer teams, join or start their own student groups and sports teams, access volunteering opportunities and support services, contact their elected officers, submit student ideas to be discussed by the elected UCSU Panel, access information and guidance on things like academic checklists, housing, finance, sexual and mental health and order NUS extra cards and other SU merchandise.

Put simply, no other platform can offer the versatility or the multi-layered ‘Union in a box’ dynamic that UnionCloud has achieved.

From building user groups to enabling targeted communication and providing a robust democratic system for members to elect their chosen reps and officers, UnionCloud is a vital tool for all staff, officers, volunteers and stakeholders of UCSU. We’d very much like to say a huge thank you to Rebecca, William, Sabrina, Mike, Ash and the rest of the awesome NUS Digital team for all their support to help Cumbria SU become a Union our members can be proud of.”

Adam Lewis, Research and Communications Coordinator at University of Cumbria Students’ Union


Numbers that speak for themselves


Increased students’ union turnover by 172%

Liverpool Guild between 2013/14 and 2014/2015


Generated £500,000 in transactions

Liverpool Guild between 2013/14 and 2014/2015


180% increase in societies turnover

Liverpool Guild between 2013/14 and 2014/2015


Increased website traffic average dwell time to three minutes

Liverpool Guild between 2013/14 and 2014/2015

How UnionCloud works

UnionCloud is a digital toolkit that will galvanize your digital strategy. With it all staff, from IT managers with an advanced understanding to administrators who just need the basics, can manage online tasks and resources more effectively.

Combining different tools, your staff will maximise the success of your union’s digital engagement. So whether they want to excel at the essentials or dig deep into the data, UnionCloud has the tools your staff need to make powerful connections with your students.


Get started with the basic UnionCloud toolkit

Learn more about the essential tools

Build upon the basic toolkit at any stage – add extra tools relevant to your digital union

Learn more about the eXTRA tools


OneVoice Digital Limited 

Registered Office: 196 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WF 
Company No.: 10842253