this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container
this is hidden container

Volunteering and Skill Building Tool

  • Improve the student experience by optimising personal development opportunities
  • Quickly and easily monitor, manage and respond where action is required
  • Reduce demand on the time and resources required to manage volunteering

What this tool does and how it works

Connect your students with opportunities to learn new skills quickly and seamlessly. Add this extra tool to the UnionCloud essentials.

Enable external organisations to register with your Union and identify skill areas they can help develop. Give them the ability to upload and manage their own information. Sift, approve and promote only what suits your students, ensuring you offer the highest quality opportunities from reputable organisations.

Allow students to register and list skills they want to develop for themselves. Match them more effectively with organisations offering what they’re after. Utilise the tool’s capacity for students to record their own time and evidence skills (if it suits your Union) to help them stand out from the crowd.

Because one tool manages all of this, you can reduce the amount of time and resource it takes to give your students the very best development opportunities.

OneVoice Digital Limited 

Registered Office: 196 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WF 
Company No.: 10842253